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Cromwell, New Zealand

"I've shown it to a few of our business customers for schist and they think it looks really good!"

Carl & Vic - Owners 

Central Otago Screening Services

Locally owned and operated, Central Screening are your one stop shop for screening services in Central Otago.


Together Carl, Vic and their experienced team work with you on finding a solution to suit you. Whether you need top soil delivered, want to pop into the yard, or need schist for your business - they can help.


Their First Website


Being a relatively new business, our job was to create a website that perfectly reflected the products and services the business provided in the real world, in a brand new and responsive website.


Reflecting The Business & Their Rocking Team


As a down to earth business (pun totally intended) based in the heart of Cromwell’s industrial area the brief was that the website should reflect this. Nothing fancy, just good information on what was on offer, displayed in a clear and concise way.


Carl and Vic love their business and their work in Central Otago. This had to reflected throughout the website by ensuring the language was down to earth, playful and approachable. The fact that their top soil and schist are sustainably sourced from locations across Central Otago was built into the words to reflect this local aspect to their business.


Product & Services


It can be a challenging task – making dirt and rock sound exciting – but with some great imagery and clear words about the products on offer the website clearly conveys everything the business is about.


Imagery Selection


Images were taken and chosen to ensure they were balanced across the site with a mixture of characters, products, vehicles and more to accurately depict the plethora of services on offer.

Central Marketing Co. Logo
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